Draft League D1    (June 2020)
Draft League D1 Standings
  W  L  T  PF  PA  PD  PTS Calendar Sync
D Squad 300352966
Pure Roller 210262244
Misfits 1203135-42
Dough Boys 0302531-60
Draft League D1 Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Sun-Jun 14   Dough Boys
Locker: 1
8 - 10 Misfits
Locker: 3
Complete Peoria Rink RegularBB, sub
Sun-Jun 14   D Squad
Locker: 2
7 - 6 Pure Roller
Locker: 4
Complete Peoria Rink RegularBB, sub
Sun-Jun 21   D Squad R Dough Boys Rescheduled Peoria Rink RegularNo Game
Sun-Jun 21   Pure Roller 13 - 9 Misfits Complete Peoria Rink RegularBB, N, KK
Sun-Jul 5   D Squad
Locker: 2
14 - 12 Misfits
Locker: 4
Complete Peoria Rink RegularBB, KK, N
Sun-Jul 5   Pure Roller
Locker: 1
7 - 6 Dough Boys
Locker: 3
Complete Peoria Rink Regular-Best of 3BB, N
Sun-Jul 12   Pure Roller
Locker: 1
13 - 8 Misfits
Locker: 3
Complete Peoria Rink FriendlyKK, N, EH
Sun-Jul 12   D Squad
Locker: 2
14 - 11 Dough Boys
Locker: 4
Complete Peoria Rink RegularN, EH
Sun-Jul 19   D Squad
Locker: 1
1 - 0 Dough Boys
Locker: 3
Complete Peoria Rink Postseason-Best of 3 
Sun-Jul 19   Pure Roller
Locker: 2
C Misfits
Locker: 4
Cancelled Peoria Rink Postseason-Best of 3BB
Goalie Stats
Player Stats
 TeamPlayer#PointsGoalsAssistsPenalty Min
1Pure RollerTommy Tuohy0T13580.0
2Pure RollerAlex MacDonald 9630.0
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Coed Open
Division: Competitive
Sport: Roller Hockey (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 6/14/2020
End Date: 8/16/2020
Status: Complete
Team Fee:
PlayerFee: $199.00
Other Fee Info: $100 non refundable deposit required to register for the draft
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